dimecres, 3 d’abril del 2019


Hi everyone!!

We are year 6A class. Last English session our classmates Diana and June made a presentation about what they found in a forest nearby the school. We wanted to participate cleaning the forests and decided to look for rubbish around school.

Today we took some gloves, some giant plastic bags and lots of positive energy and went to change a little bit our world. On our way, we found some people who said how beautiful was what we were doing. Others that people should be concerned about throwing trash.
We cleaned up from the school to Mas Costa park and the stream nearby the park. It is about 1.5 km long.  We filled ten plastic bags. We found:

plastic: 25.900kg 
paper: 7kg
metals: 36.610kg
cigarette butts: 1.085
clothes: 1.600kg
arboretum: 425gr
others: 7.501

IN TOTAL : 80.21KG

In 1.5 km long we found 80.21kg of rubbish!!!! We were in shock and we wanted to share it with everyone. We built a sculpture with all the trash we found and displayed some papers with the kg. We explained our school mates and parents at midday and in the afternoon what we did and found. 

We think there are a lot of little things that people throw away. Specially cigarette butts in front of our school's path. We have one thing clear. We have to change our habbits, we have to be concern about don't pollute the environment. LITTLE ACTS MAKE GREAT THINGS. TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGER!!! FOR A BETTER AND GREENER PLANET!!


* Special thanks to Leo, Segi Colao's father for comming with us this day.

Hola a tot/es!

Som la classe de 6è A. A la darrera classe d'anglès les nostres companyes Diana i June ens van fer una presentació sobre el que van trobar a un bosc prop de l'escola. Vam voler participar netejant els boscos i vam decidir anar a recollir brossa pels voltants de l'escola.

Avui hem agafat uns guants, algunes bosses de plàstic gegants i molta energia positiva i hem anat a canviar una mica el món. Pel camí vam trobar algunes persones que ens van dir que allò que estavem fent era molt maco. D'altres, que la gent haura de concienciar-se sobre llençar brossa.
Vam netejar desde l'escola fins al parc de Mas Costa i la riera porp del parc. Al voltant de 1,5 km.de llarg. Vam omplir deu bosses de plàstic. Vam trobar:

plastic: 25.900kg 
paper: 7kg
metalls: 36.610kg
cigarretes: 1.085
roba: 1.600kg
arboretum: 425gr
altres: 7.501

EN TOTAL : 80.21KG

En 1,5 km vam trobar 80,21kg de brossa !!!! Estàvem molt sorpresos i vam voler compartir-ho amb tothom. Vam construïr una escultura amb tota la brossa que vam trobar i vam colocar alguns papers amb els kilos de cada cosa trobada. Vam explicar als companys, a l'hora del pati, i als pares a migdia i la tarda el que vam trobar. 

Creiem que hi ha moltes coses petites que la gent llença. Especialment cigarretes al davant de la nostra escola. Tenim una cosa clara. Hem de canviar els nostres hàbits, hem de prendre consciència de no contaminar el medi ambient. ELS PETITS ACTES FAN GRANS COSES. JUNTS SOM MÉS FORTS!!! PER UN PLANETA MILLOR I MES VERD!!